How My diaper Fetish Started

Being a young boy about ten and having an underwear fetish was not nearly good enough for me, oh no…why make it easy on me?! My underwear fetish was more convoluted than that, incorporating diapers and “rubberpants” which, needless to say, made for “exciting” times.
I was about ten years old and I was playing “hide and seek” with my brother, I was the one hiding and he was seeking. We knew each other’s hiding places fairly well from playing the game on a regular basis so I needed to get creative….I needed to find a place that neither of us ever has used before and then the idea hit me like a ton of bricks. I could hide in the front hall coat closet. Although this same closet was used dozens of times before, to hide in; this time I would “get high” up in the closet. No, it’s not what you think! I was not smoking pot at age ten up in there! Get high in this case meant to hide up higher than the floor level and this is what I did.
I stood on the step stool that’s been in the closet ever since I could remember and reached up to the first level shelf. I pulled myself onto the shelf which was about six feet off the floor; the shelf held my weight but was shaky. I continued to “climb” onto the two additional higher shelves which were about eight or nine feet off the ground. Grandma had ten foot ceilings so the shelves almost went to the very top. I hear my brother coming, so I trying to lay flat on my belly so when he opened the closet he was less likely to see me. As I stretched out my arms pushed o large box on the shelf that I originally thought was empty. I would inspect the contents of the box later, after I was “found”. After several minutes of hearing my brother running around the house, in and out of all the rooms, he yells out; “Ok, I give up!”
This was music to my ears and it looks like my new hiding spot was a success. I start to quietly climb down from the topmost shelf as to not alert my brother or mother as to my whereabouts but then realize that the mystery box was up there and it needed to be opened …to reveal its contents. At ten years old my imagination was running wild as I carefully climbed back up to the top shelf as to what could be in the box? Money? Old family photos? A birthday present? I opened the box……..
What I found inside was much better the money and old family photos and it certainly COULD be a birthday present for me, I thought…one that I’d give myself. Lifting the dusty top off the box, I carefully reached in and pulled from its bowels, three pairs of rubberpants. Two of them were a milky white color and the third one was different than the other two, almost clear with metal snaps on each side. I instantly decided I like the latter because it gave me that “funny feeling” down there just as the catalog pictures had done many times before. I put the other two back into the box and tucked the snapped pair down my pants to “hide” them. I climbed down the shelves and quietly snuck out of the closet. I made a direct bee-line for the bathroom where I could get the privacy that I needed to inspect my new found treasure.
In the bathroom, I pulled down by Billy the Kid corduroys and my Carter’s brand underpants the ones that had the three colored stripes on them that alternated blue red blue. I slipped on the rubberpants. I stood in front of the full length mirror and looked at myself. I was old enough to know that these were used for babies, to cover their diapers so the “wet” diaper would leak onto other surfaces but what puzzled me was the fact that these actually fit me and I certainly wasn’t the size of a baby. Who wore these? Why were they on the closet shelf in a box all by themselves? Why did they fit a big boy like me when they were made for a baby? I thought about, then forget about it and I was back to staring at myself in the mirror when I had a fantastic idea! If a baby wore these over diapers maybe I could wear these over my Carter’s underpants. I quickly slid off the rubberpants and in doing so, hurt my “pee pee” not realizing that I was so excited, that I had a boner. I put my underpants back on and pulled the rubberpants over them. This feel soooooo good to me! I looked back into the mirror and stared at myself again, when other idea came into my head. Maybe I could “wet” my underpants now and not have in leak out everywhere.
I stood in the mirror concentrating…trying to relax and pee my undies. A drop…..dissapointing. I sat on the toilet lid and tried again. Then I felt it, a warm sensation all over as I “peed” in my underpants. This feeling felt wonderful as I pushed out every last drop! I was soaked but to my amazement, not a drop was on the floor or on the toilet lid. I found this very arousing. When I couldn’t pee any more, I stood up and walked over to the mirror to see how I look in “wet” pants and that is when I heard my mom call for me, it was lunch time. I stood there thinking…..thinking…..and thinking…..I couldn’t leave the bathroom with peed in pants and wearing rubberpants and I couldn’t go to my room to get clean underwear because my mom would catch me, so I did the only thing I could think of which was to pull up my pants over both the wet undies and the rubberpants. Hoping mom my or brother wouldn’t notice, I came to the table, sat down and ate my lunch, wet pants and all. Halfway through lunch, I realized just how much I liked the feeling of sitting there in peed in underpants and rubberpants and wished I could do this all the time…and that is exactly what I did!
Many months after the first time of wetting my pants, I still continued the behavior but changing the way I did it. Sometimes, I would lay on my bed on my belly in my underpants and rubberpants and wet them and other times I would lay on my back. I liked the belly position better because as I peed in my underpants I could hump the bed which gave me a stiffy and eventually a “good feeling”. The problem with my new preoccupation was what to do with the peed in briefs. I could not throw them out and I could not throw them into the laundry basket all peed in so I had to wash them in the bathroom sink including the rubberpants which posed another problem for me. Where do I put my wet underpants and rubberpants until they dried? The answer came quick……on the top shelf of the closet until the next day or two when they dried. This worked for me for about a year…until the “big crash” happened.
On an early Saturday morning, I went to retrieve my dried underpants and rubberpants and realized that the rubberpants that I had been wearing were now ripping at different seams and I didn’t want to let any pee escape when I wet my pants so I needed to get another pair out on the box on the topmost self. I didn’t want to climb the shelf again, so I pulled a chair over to the closet put the stool on the chair and climbed the stack of chairs which still wasn’t quite tall enough to reach to top shelf. My arms were able to reach the top shelf so I pulled myself up (like doing a chin-up) on the shelf to get the box. That’s when things went terribly wrong! I lost my balance and the chair and stool went crashing to the floor! I was now dangling eight feet in the air, holding onto the top shelf for dear life, I heard a loud snap…and the shelf gave way, sending me, the shelves, the box with the rubberpants, and my drying underpants to the floor. My mom came running in, oh no! She will find out what I have been doing…and she did. After attending to my cuts and scrapes she sat me down in my bed and interrogated me as to why I had been wetting and hiding my underpants and why I was wearing plastic pants. I had no answers for her…..shrugged and replied “I don’t know”. I was grounded for two weeks and worst of all; my mother had taken and thrown out the rubberpants.

4 thoughts on “How My diaper Fetish Started

  1. Anonymous says:

    It sounded like a great idea!That,s of course until things very wrong.Next time you lay down on your belly try shaking your legs and your bed!If feels just as good as humping!!!!!Shaking your legs and the works better.Try it just in your white underwear it works wonders!!!You will have to shake your legs very hard to make it work better!Good luck!Do it feels so good!!!And don,t forget to make sex sounds!!!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Hi.If you can not sleep lay on your belly and shake your legs and the bed!Of course don,t forget to make sex sounds!Good luck!

  3. Chad says:

    Not surprised to hear that diapers interest you as well as undies. Seems like a lot of the underwear enthusiasts I’ve talked to through the years have had some sort of wetting or messing fetish as well. I never got into diapers but since childhood have been attracted to using undies as diapers. Even into my teens I would sometimes have “accidents” on purpose 🙂

    I think my interest in underwear may have started as a result of this actually. Noticing when other boys had wet or messed their pants and wanting to be closer to it or see the results. I remember being about 10 and becoming very aroused when a friend’s 5 or 6 year old brother had pooped his pants and asking him to show me. We ended up in a shed together, and after I had examined his loaded briefs, I convinced him to “rub weiners” with me, on our knees facing each other while I reached around and squeezed his poopy underwear.

    I would look at the boys underwear ads as you described, and sometimes fill my briefs and imagine that they boys in the pictures were doing the same.

  4. Wet Willy says:

    I loved wearing snap on plastic baby panties in all the pastel colors. I think when your mom asked you about your rubber baby pants, you should have asked her if she would change your plastic baby panties everyday. There is no better feeling than a mother unsnapping a plastic baby pantie and positioning the rubber pantie under bottom and between your thighs as she slowly snaps them up and rubs your tummy. Now you can run around the house in a diaper shirt and snap on rubber baby panties.

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